How to Speed ​​Modem Smartfren

Minggu, 29 April 2012

A freeway, so maybe you want to access your smartfren modem. How much fun racing on the highway, saving more time and a speedy completion. Unlike the path filled with jam, cars berjubelnya long queue can be analogous to your modem data access is slow.
Smartfren is one of the major internet service providers in the country. Some modem brands have been in bundling also with smartfren card. A variety of package options it provides to make us have a lot of options that can be adjusted to the speed of access that we want. However, the more hectic sometimes smartfren users at certain hours, especially for the regular use of the internet package, internet access speed decreases.
I myself have been using smart modem AC2726 by using a smart card, any card before smartfren since last year till now. In my experience, I myself do not want to switch to other service providers for a variety of package options smartfren that we can adjust the speed and of course our pockets hehe :-) (not promo lo ya) Oh yeah check out my article on how to register internet package smartfren .
When the connection speed has decreased my usual username and password resetting smartfren my internet access to other channels provided smartfren. This may be analogous manner to the lanes over freeway path as default path burdened by many accessor.
Here are some things I do to speed up my modem smartfren:
  1. Disconnect from your modem access
  2. Go to the settings menu, the default user and password of your internet access is a number: # 777 user: smart and password: smart
  3. Change the setting with the following options:
    number: * 98 #
    username: cdma or wap
    password: cdma or wap
    number: * 31 * 11 111 #
    username: cdma or wap
    password: cdma or wap
  4. Press the connect button and check the speed of your access after making these changes.
  5. If you need to also change the default DNS server using DNS google alternate DNS and

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