Solution for Laptop/PC Often Off Alone

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Laptop turns itself off when you frequently use. Fun-fun while playing games all of a sudden when the laptop is turned off or is working on an important task. It is a warning that your laptop is in unhealthy condition. So what should we do?. This time we will discuss the causes of the laptop turns itself off and how to overcome them.

Cause Laptop Often Off Alone

Cause of death laptop itself is so over time the use of a laptop to overheat or heat. Imagine if you use your laptop a full day without a break or maybe even more than one day. What if in the condition you assume as you are working 24 hours non-stop?. Of course the result is a bad thing, as well as laptops. When you use a laptop with the ability to customize your laptop work, deifying it is a living thing. That is the most frequent cause of death own laptop.

How to Speed ​​Modem Smartfren

Minggu, 29 April 2012

A freeway, so maybe you want to access your smartfren modem. How much fun racing on the highway, saving more time and a speedy completion. Unlike the path filled with jam, cars berjubelnya long queue can be analogous to your modem data access is slow.
Smartfren is one of the major internet service providers in the country. Some modem brands have been in bundling also with smartfren card. A variety of package options it provides to make us have a lot of options that can be adjusted to the speed of access that we want. However, the more hectic sometimes smartfren users at certain hours, especially for the regular use of the internet package, internet access speed decreases.

Tips How to Cool Light Processor (Processor)

How to Cool Light TTips Processor (Processor) imageThe brain if it is forced labor continues to heat as well.Counting, memorization, forcing forgetting, remembering, storing, processing information to the heating of the brain.Moreover, ordered thinkers debt plus ups hehe just kidding :-) I hope visitors tips paid off all the Xixi (aka experience hehe)
Brain on a computer located in the processor. If the processor is kept from overheating is very dangerous because it can damage the processor itself, so our work is hampered. Get the computer suddenly restarts itself and even hang instantly.